
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of January 22)

We have returned from Sundance – older and wiser – to deliver another week’s worth of reading material for the film industry-obsessed. Stay tuned

SXSW 2017 Recap

[UPDATED 3/18/17] SXSW 2017 brought SAGindie back to the capital of Texas, where we saw some films, heard some music, hosted our Film Industry

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of January 23)

We return this week from Sundance, American civilization still standing (…ish?), and while we were gallivanting in Park City, we didn’t slack on collecting

Our SUNDANCE ’17 Movie Picks

It’s January, which can only mean one thing (besides, ya know, Golden Globes and NFL Playoffs and Martin Luther King Day and a Presidential

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