the new yorker

This Month’s Good Reads (September 2021)

Life is busy – you’re getting ready for fall, browsing the new Black Film Archive, and doing a lot of research about the vaccine’s […]

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of January 23)

We return this week from Sundance, American civilization still standing (…ish?), and while we were gallivanting in Park City, we didn’t slack on collecting

This Year’s Good Reads (2016)

There’s a lot of noise out there on the internet. Especially in 2016, the year that “fake news” has dominated the headlines (literally), it

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of April 25)

The biggest news this week in film… and music… culture… feminism… race… and life in general, was Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” taking over your Twitter feed.

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