john waters

This Month’s Good Reads (September 2023)

Life is busy – Labor Day came and went; one labor strike ended (congrats WGA!); other labor strife continued. It can be tough to […]

This Month’s Good Reads (September 2021)

Life is busy – you’re getting ready for fall, browsing the new Black Film Archive, and doing a lot of research about the vaccine’s

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of February 26)

It’s Spirit Awards weekend! (Also, Oscar weekend but that’s a little highfalutin for us). While SAGindie’s Darrien and Eliza are holding down the fort

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of June 5)

We’re back with links to some of this week’s must-read articles on the film industry. So whether you’re a filmmaker, actor, or general movie

Halloween Costumes for Indie Film Fans

Halloween is a time of year when even non-creative types get a chance to let their creativity flags fly. And while everyone has their

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