This Week’s Good Reads (Week of November 2)
You made it to November! You survived Halloween. You survived Día de los Muertos. You survived All Saints’ Day (and how cray does it […]
You made it to November! You survived Halloween. You survived Día de los Muertos. You survived All Saints’ Day (and how cray does it […]
Happy Halloween from SAGindie! This week had its share of regular old non-scary news stories, but why focus on that when we can use
An epic week for movie nerds: Back to the Future 2’s Future became the Present, and is now the Past (huh?); the internet melted
October is chugging along quite nicely, so hopefully you are hard at work planning your indie-film-based Halloween costume (word to the wise: the adorable
Now that the government has begun its investigation into Hollywood gender discrimination, there was obviously a lot of writing on the topic this week,
It’s October! Which means adults can eat candy judgement-free as we catch up on the best horror movies the cinema (or Netflix) has to
This week in New York was IFP’s Independent Film Week, with tons of useful filmmaking info spread across a full week (where SAGindie sponsored
This week finds Darrien hunkered down in the snowy isolation of HatchFest in Montana, while the rest of us in the office are sweating
We hope everyone had a good ‘n lazy Labor Day. Now we’re back in working mode with some of the week’s best articles, blogs,
With Labor Day Weekend now here, we can all lament the official (though not official, if we’re going by the actual calendar) end of
So the stock market may have crashed this week, but know what didn’t crash? Our love of interesting entertainment industry-related news and web writing!
It was a big week in terms of legendary-actors-turned-film-festival-pioneers-named-Bob-celebrating-their-birthdays (but what week doesn’t have a couple of those?). Both Robert De Niro (you know