good reads

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of May 7)

We know it’s easy to get distracted by a full week’s worth of film industry writing, but don’t get too distracted this Mother’s Day

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of April 23)

So… a lot happened this week in the entertainment news world. Like, a lot. Celebrity arrests and felony convictions and Twitter meltdowns and hacking

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of April 9)

If you survive Friday the 13th, we hope you’ll spend that time by catching up on the week’s entertainment industry news, advice, and interviews.

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of March 26)

Happy Good Friday/Passover! And Spring Break/Easter Weekend! Or unspecial-weekend-where-you-don’t-plan-on-celebrating-anything-except-a-week’s-worth-of-entertainment-industry-good-reads! (We’ve got you all covered.)   This Week’s Good Reads (Week of March 26, 2018)

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of March 12)

We get it, you’ll be spending Saturday celebrating your (or someone you know’s) Irish heritage. But this weekend also has a Sunday, which you

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of February 26)

It’s Spirit Awards weekend! (Also, Oscar weekend but that’s a little highfalutin for us). While SAGindie’s Darrien and Eliza are holding down the fort

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