Filmmaker Interview: ZACH CLARK, writer/director/producer of LITTLE SISTER
After writing, directing, producing, and editing back-to-back film festival hits Modern Love is Automatic and Vacation! in 2009 and 2010, filmmaker ZACH CLARK turned
After writing, directing, producing, and editing back-to-back film festival hits Modern Love is Automatic and Vacation! in 2009 and 2010, filmmaker ZACH CLARK turned
It was a very political week in America, with both the first presidential debate and National Voter Registration Day happening. Since we’re a resource
This week celebrated both National Book Day and National Literacy Day, which is great because we put this weekly listing together specifically for people
This long Labor Day Weekend makes it official: Summer is over. So while you pack away your sunscreen (unless you live in California) and
Welp, America survived the Republican National Convention (did we, though?) and in the midst of the Chachi speeches, the plagiarism scandals, the Third Eye
Looking for something to do with your phone (and eyeballs) besides play Pokémon Go this weekend? How about browsing through this list of articles,
We’ve entered June, and while “summer movies” have been popping up since February, “summer reading” has just begun. So while you’re looking for some
Kicking off a long holiday weekend with some light reading? We’re here to help! We hope you enjoy these film industry writings and articles
The big news stories this week came – unsurprisingly – from the Cannes Film Festival, with high-profile film acquisitions, contradictory movie receptions, and a
The biggest news this week in film… and music… culture… feminism… race… and life in general, was Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” taking over your Twitter feed.
Valentine’s Day is coming up this weekend, and what is a more romantic way to spend the day with your sweetheart than opening a
An epic week for movie nerds: Back to the Future 2’s Future became the Present, and is now the Past (huh?); the internet melted