eliza hajek

SAGindie’s November Movie Picks

Dramatic period pieces? Check. Timely biopics? Check. Jumping-the-gun Christmas movies? Check. James Bond? Him too. Must be November movie time! As we barrel through […]

SAGindie’s October Movie Picks

Welcome to October, home to scary stories and Pumpkin Spice Everything. And home, of course, to a new slate of movie releases, with a

SAGindie’s September Movie Picks

Another Summer Movie Season has passed us by (hashtag you’re old). And before we venture forth to the Fall and Winter Prestige Picks, we

SAGindie’s August Movie Picks

Roll up those beach blankets because the end of summer is quickly approaching. Kids will be back in school. Football will be back on

SAGindie’s July Movie Picks

We’re real deep into the Summer Movie Season™, and the SAGindie staff has narrowed down which July movies are worthy of abandoning the sunshine, beaches,

SAGindie’s June Movie Picks

It’s only June and we’ve already had billions of dollars worth of blockbuster movies. So this month is a bit of a palate cleanser,

SAGindie’s May Movie Picks

Sound the trumpets, nerds. Summer movie season is here! Sci-Fi, blockbusters, sequels, reboots, and other things that cost millions and will make billions. Even

SAGindie’s April Movie Picks

Ever… so… slowly… the summer movie season is approaching. But until then, we have April, where audiences will have to whet their appetites with

SAGindie’s March Movie Picks

We’re back with this month’s installment of “SAGindie blindly picks movies they want to see over the next thirty days if they can find

SUNDANCE 2015 Recap

Ahh, we are back in the thick, smoggy air of Los Angeles, where we can look back fondly at our time in the mountains

Gearing Up For SUNDANCE 2015

It’s that time of year again, where SAGindie and filmmakers from all over the world pack their most fashionable parkas and head to higher

SAGindie’s Favorite Films of 2014

Strange as it may seem, we’ve reached the end of 2014: Year of ice bucket challenges, ebola scares, the resurgence of pop songs about

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