darrien gipson

SAGindie’s Favorite Films of 2014

Strange as it may seem, we’ve reached the end of 2014: Year of ice bucket challenges, ebola scares, the resurgence of pop songs about

Inherent Vice

SAGindie’s December Movie Picks

Well this is it, people. The last movie month of 2014 (also the last regular month of 2014). After this, it’s all Year End

SAGindie’s November Movie Picks

This November’s movie calendar brings us a handful of small-scale indies hitting VOD, two movies that will probably take in all the world’s money


It would make sense for October to be chock-full of horror movies, thrillers, and supernatural spectacles, and you can probably find a good movie

SAGINDIE on Plum Daily

Guinivere Cramer and Damon Burke sit down with SAGIndie’s Darrien Gipson to talk about the circuit of film festivals she has been involved in,

Sundance 2011 Recap

We admit we’re a week or so behind in getting our Sundance recap out, but better late than never, right? Right, guys? Overall, Sundance

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