acting advice

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of July 20)

Our friends at IFP made some exciting announcements this week, including their slate of projects for the 2015 Independent Film Week, and also publishing

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of June 29)

Because we value and celebrate independence (of the cinematic variety as well as the “from the British circa 1776” variety), we’ll be off tomorrow


It’s been a full week in Downtown LA for Film Independent’s 2015 Los Angeles Film Festival, with indie film premieres, hit festival encores, filmmaking

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of June 8)

The Los Angeles Film Festival is up and running this week (we’ve got two sponsored events still to come!), and Sundance London is under

This Week’s Good Reads (Week of May 11)

Since Darrien and Eliza are currently busy being the toast of the town tent over at the Cannes Film Festival‘s American Pavilion, we contemplated

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