State Film Production Resources
Massachusetts Production Resources
Labor Department
Local Resources
- Almanack Screenwriters
- Berkshire Film and Media Collaborative of Western Massachusetts
- Center for Independent Documentary
- Documentary Educational Resources
- Filmmakers Collaborative
- Harvard Square Script Writers
- Imagine Magazine
- Massachusetts Production Coalition
- Moving Image Fund | LEF Foundation New England
- Provincetown Film Institute
- The Secret Society of Black Creatives (SSBC)
- Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA)
- Women in Film & Video New England (WIFVNE)
Notable Films
DISCLAIMER: This list is provided by SAGindie as a courtesy to filmmakers and has been updated to the best of our ability. Inclusion in this list does not represent an endorsement from SAGindie, and SAGindie will not be liable for any listed organization’s fitness. If you find any posted information to be inaccurate, email updates to