We’ve done the work of researching each and every May movie release so we can come up with our comprehensive of must-see films for the month. See if your movie opinions match those of the SAGindie staff by taking a look at our May ’18 Movie Picks.
Darrien’s Picks:

May is bringing some life-affirming, educational movies:
Deadpool 2 – so I can learn proper business etiquette
Life of the Party – so I can learn to grow old gracefully
Breaking In – cuz everyone knows that pretty hurts
Book Club – because when I’m old, I’m going to need something like this
Mary Shelley – so I can get tips on how to… uh, finish a… project I have going in the garage.
And RBG – because she kicks serious a$$.
Eliza’s Picks:

How to Talk to Girls at Parties
The Guardians
Racer and the Jailbird
The Gospel According to André
At Cannes:
Le Livre d’Image
Under the Silver Lake
Girls of the Sun
Ash is the Purest White
Colin’s Picks:

I heard so many good things about The Tale at Sundance this year, and it arrives not in theaters but on HBO this month. Laura Dern plays the lead, so it would be against my religion to not watch it. Tully reunites Jason Reitman, Diablo Cody, and Charlize Theron, so as a Young Adult fan this has my attention (it also comes out not on Mother’s Day. Way to zig when I thought you were going to zag, Marketing Department!). How to Talk to Girls at Parties looks out there in a fantastic way. Sollers Point looks gritty and depressing in a fantastic way. And I just know my little snowflake heart is going to love RBG.
Shefali’s Picks:

Kind of a mix this month, but hopefully I’ll get around to seeing some of these (if Movie Pass allows it).
The Seagull
Life of the Party
Sollers Point
Deadpool 2
If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email blogadmin@sagindie.org for consideration.