
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of September 4)

We understand now that most students are back to school, having extra reading assignments on the weekend might sound like a bummer. But if you’re interested in learning more about what’s been happening in the film industry this week, you’ll be happy that we’ve assigned the following good reads.


This Week’s Good Reads (Week of September 4, 2017)

Can Netflix Crash the Oscars With Dee Rees’ Mudbound (via Ramin Setoodeh for Variety)
Variety‘s cover story on the Sundance ’17 favorite.

Kevin Smith’s Celebrity Reboot (via Abraham Riesman for Vulture)
How the Clerks director reinvented himself (but is still mostly the same guy).

Being A Star Wars Director Is The Worst Job In The Galaxy (via Christie Hemm Klok for Wired)
Behind-the-scenes turmoil date back to the original trilogy.

Attacked by Rotten Tomatoes (via Brooks Barnes for The New York Times)
A peek inside the website that has movie studios pissed this summer.

A Massive List of Fall 2017 Grants All Filmmakers Should Know About (via Oakley Anderson-Moore for No Film School)
Face it, we all need more money.

How The Room Went From Disastrous Flop to Cult Phenomenon (via Alex Ritman for The Hollywood Reporter)
How a film publicist helped save a notoriously bad movie from complete oblivion.


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion)

The Polish Brothers Revisit Northfork: By guest interviewer Warren Etheredge of The Warren Report

From the indieBlog archives: Mark and Michael Polish talked to us about the finale to their “American trilogy.”


New Releases

Movies from our September Movie Picks out this week:


A video worth watching

How copyright issues made Night of the Living Dead‘s zombies ubiquotous (via kaptainkristian)

YouTube video

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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