
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of October 31)

This weekend, instead of looking back over the past few days of entertainment industry journalism, look forward to this coming Tuesday by finding out your polling location and remembering to VOTE. Also, know what else is a good read? All those ballot initiatives you’ve probably been hearing ads for and ignoring. But wouldn’t you know you can learn what’s on your ballot too. If you’re a responsible citizen, this is really a weekend for homework.

Please. And thank you.


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion)

SAGindie’s November Movie Picks
A new slate of movies are just as exciting as a new president, no?

Filmmaker Interview: Anthony Edwards, director of My Dead Boyfriend
The Golden Globe and SAG Award-winning actor talks to us about his venture into directing.


New Releases

Movies from our November Movie Picks out this week:


A video worth watching

In case you missed Effie Brown’s Film Independent Forum Keynote

YouTube video

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?

If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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