
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of May 6)

This week’s cultural news saw lots of talk of CGI hedgehogs, medieval Starbucks cups, and purposefully campy gala outfits. But there was plenty of reading material for those focused more on the filmmaking side of the news cycle. Please enjoy this week’s good reads!


This Week’s Good Reads (Week of May 6, 2019)

What To Do When Your Filmmaking Sucks Real Bad (via Jason Brubaker for Filmmaking Stuff)
The first step is admitting you have a problem.

The David Lynch MasterClass Provides Unique Insight Into the Enigmatic Filmmaker (via Chris Evangelista for /Film)
What you can learn from David Lynch teaching filmmaking over the internet.

$10K vs. $100K vs. $500K: Feature Film Budgets Compared (via Rubidium Wu for Premium Beat)
How much money do you have? Here’s how you’ll likely spend it.

Indie Filmmakers Puzzled As Amazon Prime Drops Some Poorly Viewed Projects (via Natalie Jarvey for The Hollywood Reporter)
Amazon takes the distribution out of their “self-distribution” plan.

Theater Crawl: Art House Convergence Unites Indie Theaters (via Matt Warren for Film Independent)
Meet the group building a community of indie cinemas.

Hollywood working moms and the brutal conflict between family and career (via Meredith Blake for Los Angeles Times)
How film production schedules make it even more difficult for working parents.


New Releases

Movies from our May Movie Picks out this week:


A video worth watching

7 minutes to write a movie scene. Ready… set… go! (via Vanity Fair)

YouTube video

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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