
This Week’s Good Reads (week of March 9)

Howdy, y’all! (Darrien and Colin have departed to Austin for SXSW, hence all the “y’all”-ing.) But fear not, because we’ve still managed to scoured the internet to track down some of the most interesting film-related articles, blogs, and interviews from this week so you can spend your weekend like a baller… reading.


Good Reads for the week of March 9, 2015

6 Tips for Getting Your Film Financed (via Greg Cwik for Indiewire)
Couldn’t make it to IFP’s Art of Film Finance workshop? Indiewire has collected all the best nuggets on gettin’ that money.

Harvey Weinstein Talks Taking a Chance on First-Time Filmmakers (via Hilary Lewis for The Hollywood Reporter)
The man who helped launch Soderbergh, Tarantino, and Alexander Payne talks about his process.

Don’t get why iPhone movies don’t look like the real thing? Look at the film coloring. (via Dylan Matthews for Vox)
With a nice visual aid of pre- and post-color correction.

To the Studios and Back Again: Karyn Kusama on Her Return to Indie Film (via Jennifer Kushner for Film Independent)
Welcome back, Karyn!

How to make a good horror movie: 9 lessons from the genre’s latest triumphs (via A.A. Dowd, Alex McCown, Katie Rife, and Ignatiy Vishnevetsky for The A.V. Club)
If this brings more Babadooks into the world, then filmmakers please take note!


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion):

10th Annual NBCUniversal Short Film Festival – Seeking Submissions
A fest for short filmmakers from diverse backgrounds – from the company who runs Universal Studios!


A video worth watching

Game of Thrones spoilers ahead. And Princess Bride spoilers, if that’s a thing.

YouTube video

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?

If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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