
This Week’s Good Reads (Week of February 19)

We live in a busy, crazy world, and sometimes you end the week thinking, “Hm, I barely read any film industry-related news articles these past seven days.” Which is why we are here to ease your burden by offering a listing of some of this week’s good reads. We don’t write this off as a charitable contribution, but we should.


This Week’s Good Reads (Week of February 19, 2018)

Why it Pays Big Bucks to Be Nice at an Audition (via Secret Agent Man for Backstage)
You should probably be nice anyway, but also because it might get you hired over someone more talented than you.

Craft Service: The Most Important Line Item On A Small Budget (via Matt Copko for ProductionHub)
Earn the undying love of your cast and crew by feeding them well.

The generation-spanning human drama of Hal Hartley’s Henry Fool trilogy (via Anton Bitel for Little White Lies)
Before Marvel did it, Hal Hartley created a “cinematic universe” on an indie budget.

Dakota Fanning On Her Directing Debut (via Faran Krentcil for Elle)
Happy #FemaleFilmmmakerFriday! (Yep, we’re all old.)

How Credence Clearwater Revival Became the Soundtrack to Every Vietnam Movie (via Zach Schonfeld for Pitchfork)
If you’re setting your movie in the ’60s, might as well learn how to license “Fortunate Son” now.

A Massive List of Spring 2018 Grants All Filmmakers Should Know About (via Oakley Anderson-Moore for No Film School)
Do you want to make more money for your film? Sure, we all do!

“It’s Hard To Go Back To Critiquing If Your Own Movies Aren’t Any Good”: A Conversation With Film Journalist & Filmmaker Neville Pierce (via Musanna Ahmed for Film Inquiry)
Going from critic to director.

What Ever Happened To Brendan Fraser? (via Zach Baron for GQ)
It’s like one of those click-baity spam ads, except with actual empathy.


In case you were ignoring us (aka blatant self-promotion)

Film Independent Directors Close-Up 2018
A recap of Night 3, in which Ava DuVernay spreads the love with her creative team behind A Wrinkle in Time.


A video worth watching

Ryan Coogler breaks down the colors, costumes, and choreography of a Black Panther fight scene (via Vanity Fair)

YouTube video

How ’bout you? Read anything good this week?


If you’re an independent filmmaker or know of an independent film-related topic we should write about, email for consideration.

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