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SAGIndie in People Magazine!

Our Tribeca Film Festival Bowling Party was mentioned in this week’s print edition of People magazine. Check it out:

John August (dot com)

For those of you who aren’t familiar with his work, John August is one of Hollywood’s hardest working screenwriters. With substantial writing credits to

iPhone Apps for the Biz

Happy New Year! Trying to figure out what to spend that holiday cash or iTunes gift card on? Why not head to the iTunes

Empire State of Mind.

People have always told me that no place on earth is better than NEW YORK CITY during the holidays. Now I know why. Over

BANDSLAM: Victim of Shoddy Advertising?

Nikki Finke has posted an insightful insider account of a very real possibility behind the embarrassing gross of Walden Media’s BANDSLAM. As I am

BRONSON comes to the States!

One of my favorite films from this past Sundance was a small, UK film, BRONSON. It stars Tom Hardy (RocknRolla, the yet to be released

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